Options dialog-Background and Colors tab

The Background and Colors tab of the Options dialog is used to configure the background color of the model display pane.

Either a single solid color, or a color gradient can be set for the model display pane.

Dialog elements

System/MDI Background
Change the appearance of the multiple document interface (MDI) background. This is the area behind any model windows.
System default
Displays a blank grey background.
Displays the Autodesk® logo as the background.
Displays an image as the background.
Click the Select image... button to choose an image.
Model/View Background
Change the appearance of the display background for the Model/View.
Sets the background color of the model display window to the color selected to the right.
Select a different color for the solid background color.
Basic colors
Displays the basic colors available. Click the closest basic color and then use the color matrix to define a custom.
Custom colors
Displays any custom colors you have already defined.
To change a custom color, select it, and then click Define Custom Colors. When you have completed your changes, click Add to Custom Colors.
To define a new custom color, click an empty custom color box, and then click Define Custom Colors. Define the new color, and then click Add to Custom Colors.
Define custom color
Allows you to define a custom color from the color matrix.
To define a custom color, click the color in the color matrix, and then click Add to Custom Colors.
Tip: You can also enter values for hue, saturation, and luminosity, or red, green, and blue, and then click Add to Custom Colors .
Hue, Saturation, and Luminance component
Adjust the overall intensity, lightness and brightness of a color by changing the hue, saturation and luminance values respectively.
There are three ways you can adjust the hue, saturation or luminance:
  • Click the arrow on the color slider bar and drag it up and down.
  • Click inside the color matrix and move the cursor until the desired color appears in the Color Solid preview box.
  • Type a value in the Hue , Sat or Lum text box. The accepted values range from 0 to 240.
Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) component
Adjust the overall color balance by specifying the red, green and blue values.
There are three ways you can adjust the red, green and blue color balance:
  • Click the arrow on the color slider bar and drag it up and down.
  • Click inside the color matrix and move the cursor until the desired color appears in the Color Solid preview box.
  • Type a value in the Red , Green or Blue text box. The accepted values range from 0 to 240.
Color Solid
Displays a preview of the color defined.
Set the background color of the model display window to the color gradient specified in the Corner colors area.
Top [Left-Right] / Bottom [Left-Right]
Select a different gradient corner color using the Color dialog.
Configure the selection of display colors used in the model display window.
Active selection color
Change the active selection color, or the color that is displayed on the model to indicate the selected entity or entities.
Click Select to open the Color dialog and choose an active selection color.
Non-active selection color
Change the color that will be used to identify non-selected entities on a model.

Most modeling dialogs use more than one selection box, such as the Swap Edge command in the Mesh Tools. There are two selection boxes in this dialog. When one of the boxes has keyboard focus (is active), selections corresponding to that box will be shown in the active selection color. The other boxes will be shown in the non-active selection color.

Click Select to open the Color dialog and choose a non-active selection color.

Highlight color
Change the color that will be used to identify highlighted entities on a model.
This option allows you to change the highlight color, or the color that is used to identify selected curve(s) on the model when specifying mesh density in the Define Mesh Density dialog. This color is also used to indicate the predicted position of nodes, providing a good indication of the resultant mesh density.
Click Select to open the Color dialog and choose a highlight color.