Adding an image to a report

The Report Wizard allows you to add an existing image, or create a new image from an analysis result and add it to a report.

Images can be created in JPG, BMP (bitmap), or GIF format and descriptive text can be added to the image.

Note: You must have Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, or later, and Microsoft Word 2010, or later, installed to create project reports in *.ppt and *.doc formats, respectively. To view the files, ensure the associated image and animation file types are set to open with the appropriate Microsoft programs by default.
  1. Select the result plot that you want to add the image from.
  2. Click Image (Report tab > Reports panel > Image).
    Note: If there are multiple reports in the Project View pane, select the correct report from the Select A Project Item dialog that appears. Click OK.

    The Add Image dialog appears.

  3. In the Name textbox, enter a name for the static image and add descriptive text if required.
  4. Click Image Properties The Screenshot Properties dialog appears.
  5. Select the Use Existing Image option to locate an existing image, or select the Generate Image option to create a new one.
  6. In the Image Format drop-down list, select the format of the image.
  7. Enter the Height and Width of the image in pixels.
  8. In the Rotation angles area, define a rotation using X,Y, and Z coordinates.

    Alternatively, click the drop-down arrow to reveal previously saved viewpoints.

  9. Click OK twice. If you now select View (Report tab > Reports panel > View), you will see that the report content has been updated to include the new image of the result plot you selected in step 1.
Note: If you open the Report Wizard again, you will see that the image has been included in the Report items list on the Layout page. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to place the image where you want it in the report, and then generate the report again.