Warp Analysis tab

The Warp tab is used to define the type of warp analysis, the stress results to output and what to consider in the calculation.

For Midplane mesh types, there are 4 warp analysis types from which to select:
This is the default setting, and is a good choice if you have no prior knowledge or expectation regarding your part.
Small deflection
Select this analysis type if you expect the warpage of the part to be stable. This analysis can be performed on all mesh types.
Large deflection
This analysis is suitable for Midplane and 3D meshed models and can be selected if you expect the warpage of the part ot be unstable.
This analysis is used to determine whether the warpage of the part is stable or unstable.

You can decide whether to include cold runners, thermal expansion and corner effects during the calculation, and which matrix solver to use.

For 3D mesh types, you can also select whether to output the initial stress tensor before performing the analysis, so it can be used in another warpage analysis program.