Changing the mesh type and remeshing the part

Before running a 3D Fill+Pack analysis on your model, you must first create a Dual Domain mesh, diagnose and correct any meshing issues, then create a 3D mesh. In order to change from one mesh type to another, follow the instructions below.

  1. Right-click on the meshing icon (second from top) in the Study Tasks pane and select Set Mesh Type .
  2. Select the appropriate mesh type; Midplane, Dual Domain, or 3D.
  3. Click Generate mesh (Mesh tab > Mesh panel > Generate Mesh).
  4. In the Generate Mesh dialog, select the required meshing options.
    Tip: The Remesh already meshed parts of the model option will remesh all visible elements. To remesh selected elements, first place those elements on an active layer of their own.
  5. Make any required changes to the mesh control options. Depending on the mesh type you set, tabs appear that allow you to choose CAD, NURBS, or Tetra options.
  6. Click Mesh Now.