Examples of filling profiles

Ram movement during filling either can be automatically calculated, or you can define the movement profile. The variables you can select to define ram movement differ between different models and makes of injection molding machines, so a varied selection of input methods is available.
In absolute filling profiles, a ram position of 0mm corresponds to the position of the screw at the end of injection. Profiles that use ram position should be entered from the position of the screw after plastication when it is ready to start the shot. The screw must not move backwards, so ram position should not increase from one step to the next.
Note: Zero and negative velocity values in absolute profile steps are ignored.

The following tables and associated graphs are examples of the values that are required to achieve various filling profiles. These examples use both constant and linear profile steps. To enter a constant profile, you must enter steps with a duration of 0 seconds.

Relative filling profile: percentage flow rate vs percentage shot volume

A shot volume of 100 percent indicates the part is completely filled, and a zero percent shot volume indicates the injection has not started.

% Shot volume % Flow rate
0 20
10 20
50 90
100 90
100 10

Relative filling profile: percentage ram speed vs percentage stroke

A stroke of 100 percent indicates the position of the screw after plastication when it is ready to start the shot, and zero percent stroke indicates the position of the screw at the end of injection. Percentage stroke values should be entered in descending order because backwards movement of the screw is not allowed.

% Stroke % Ram speed
100 30
80 30
80 50
50 50
50 80
40 80
0 30

Absolute filling profile: ram speed vs ram position

An arbitrary ram starting position of 110 mm was used in the following example.

Ram position (mm) Ram speed (mm/s)
110 10
80 10
80 20
50 20
50 30
40 30
0 10

Absolute filling profile: flow rate vs ram position

An arbitrary ram starting position of 110 mm was used in the following example.

Ram position (mm) Flow rate (cm^3/s)
110 1000
90 2200
60 2500
20 2500
0 1000

Absolute filling profile: percentage maximum ram speed vs ram position

An arbitrary ram starting position of 110 mm was used in the following example.

Ram position (mm) % Max ram speed
110 30
90 70
60 80
20 80
0 30

Absolute filling profile: ram speed vs time

Enter times as absolute times from the start of injection.

Elapsed time (s) Ram speed (mm/s)
0 100
0.2 100
0.2 200
0.4 200
0.8 50

Absolute filling profile: flow rate vs time

Enter times as absolute times from the start of injection.

Elapsed time (s) Flow rate (cm^3/s)
0 1000
0.1 1000
0.1 2500
0.8 2500
0.8 500

Absolute filling profile: percentage maximum ram speed vs time

Enter times as absolute times from the start of injection.

Elapsed time (s) % Max. ram speed
0 50
0.2 50
0.2 90
0.4 90
0.8 20