Supported IGES entities

This is a table summarizing the IGES entities supported by this product.

IGES Entity Name IGES Entity Number Form Number Parasolid Entity
Circular Arc #100 0 Circle
Composite Curve #102 0 Curve List
Conic Arc : Ellipse #104 1 Ellipse
Conic Arc : General #104 0 Spline Curve
Copious Data : 2D Path #106 11 Curve List
Copious Data : 3D Path #106 12 Curve List
Copious Data : Closed 2D Curve #106 63 Curve List
Plane Entity : Bounded #108 1 Plane
Line #110 0 Line
Point #116 0 Point
Ruled Surface #118 1 Spline
Surface of Revolution #120 0 Spun surface
Tabulated Cylinder #122 0 Swept surface
Direction #123 0 Vector
Transformation #124 0 Transf
Rational B-Spline Curve #126 0 Spcurve
Rational B-Spline Surface #128 0 Spline
Offset Curve #130 0 Curve
Offset Surface #140 0 Surface
Boundary Entity #141 0 Loop
Curve on Parametric Surface #142 0 Loop
Bounded Surface #143 0 Face
Trimmed Surface #144 0 Face
MSBO #186 0 Solid
Plane Surface #190 0 Plane
Right Circular Cylindrical Surface #192 0 Cylinder
Right Circular Conical Surface #194 0 Cone
Spherical Surface #196 0 Sphere
Toroidal Surface #198 0 Torus
Subfigure Definition Entity #308 0 Solid
Associative Instance Entity #402 1,7 --
Subfigure Instance Entity #408 0 Solid
Vertex List #502 1 Vertex
Edge List #504 1 Edge
Loop #508 1 Loop
Face #510 1 Face
Shell #514 1 Shell