Options dialog-Viewer tab

The Viewer tab of the Options dialog is used to specify the proportion that the model display is changed, per increment, when you rotate, scale, or pan the model. You can also specify lighting and Open GL Options.

Dialog elements

Incremental changes
Specify the incremental change that occurs whenever you rotate, scale, or pan the model.
Rotation angles (degrees)
Enter a value between 0 and 360 to specify the degrees by which you can rotate your model incrementally.
Scale factor (0-1)
Enter a value between 0 and 1 to specify the factor by which you can scale your model incrementally.
Pan factor
Enter a value between 0 and 1 to specify the factor by which you can pan through your view incrementally.
Customize the angle and intensity of light falling on the model display.
Light shading
Use the slider to set the angle of light falling on the model, which increases or decreases the 3D effect of the lighting, and to set the intensity of the light.
Specifies whether OpenGL graphics render on-screen or off-screen.

Off-screen rendering uses the OpenGL specification for displaying on a memory buffer before copying to the screen. This allows a significant performance increase compared to on-screen rendering that requires graphics card optimization.

Note: Unix computers and some graphics cards on a PC computer do not support off-screen rendering.
Use offscreen rendering
Clear this check box if you are experiencing problems when performing screen captures, creating reports or animations and when printing screen images.
Note: Unix computers and some graphics cards on a PC computer do not support off-screen rendering.
Specify the default display perspective when a new study is created.
Use perspective mode for new windows
Turns the display perspective on every time you create a new study.

Display perspective can be deselected at any time by clicking Perspective, Viewer toolbar Perspective in the Viewer toolbar.

Number of views to remember
Specify the number of most recent views that will be accessible using the Previous view and Next view tools on the Viewer toolbar.
Note: The view history feature records the view changes that have occurred in the study since it was last opened.