Using models imported from Autodesk® Simulation Mechanical products

Autodesk Simulation Mechanical products are used to perform a structural analysis on a part.

Incorporating the material properties and flow-induced characteristics of a plastic part enhances the structural analysis results.

When a part is exported from Autodesk Simulation Mechanical, the polymer defined while the model is being prepared is exported with it, and selected for the analysis.

Once the model is imported into Autodesk Moldflow Insight, to run an analysis, at a minimum you must set the mesh type and generate the mesh, and you must set at least one injection location on the model.
Note: This feature is available for Thermoplastics Injection Molding analyses of Dual Domain and 3D models.
Note: In order for results to transfer successfully for the structural analysis, you cannot change the orientation of the imported model with respect to the global coordinate system or modify the geometry. You should not change the name of the study that was created on import.