To generate a report, use the Report Wizard to select the study to be reported on, the results to be included, and to specify text, image and layout properties.
Note: You can create more than one report per project and each report can contain one or more studies.
In the Available Studies window, select the study required for the report and click Add >>. Continue to add studies as required. Click Next when you have finished.
On the Report Generation Wizard - Data Selection page, for each study, select the results you want to include in the report and click Add >>, alternatively click Add all to select all the results. Click Next when you have finished.
In the Report format drop-down list, select the file format to be used.
Note: You must have Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 or later, and Microsoft Word 2010 or later, installed to create project reports in *.ppt and *.doc formats, respectively. To view the files, ensure the associated image and animation file types are set to open with the appropriate Microsoft programs by default.
For Report Template, you can select Standard template (for all report formats), or User created template (Word document or PowerPoint presentation formats only).
Select the Cover Page option and click Properties. Enter the information for the report cover page and then click OK.
For each result listed in the Report items window, specify whether you would like to regenerate images. Change the screenshot properties and animation properties, as necessary and add any descriptive text you wish to include in the report.
To reorder the results in the report, click Move Up and Move down. To insert a text section between the result descriptions, click the result you wish to place the text block above, then click << Text Block.
Click Generate when you have finished. If saving as an HTML file, the report will automatically open in the default Internet browser.
Note: You can change the Internet browser used to preview reports in the Options dialog.