Accessing online help

There is a plethora of information available online and offline to help you become conversant, and expert with this software. The default setting is online help.

Attention: If you are operating behind a proxy server, you will probably see an error message stating that you do not have an internet connection. To resolve this problem you will need to set a system environment variable:
  1. Click Application button then Options.
  2. Click the Language and Help System tab.
  3. Select Use online help-requires an internet connection from the Help System section of the dialog.
  4. Click OK to save the changes and close the dialog.
  5. If you are operating behind a proxy server, you will need to set a system environment variable to force online help.

  6. Type 'environment variable' into your Windows search box and select Edit the system environment variables.
  7. On the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables.
  8. Click the New button associated with the System variables list.
  9. Enter ADSK_MF_USING_ONLINE for the Variable name.
  10. Enter 1 for the Variable value.
  11. Click OK until all the dialog boxes are closed.
Note: You may be required to restart your system.