Adding an animation while creating a report

When you are creating a new report, the Report Wizard steps you through the report generation process and allow you to add animations.

To add an animation while creating a report, you must be in the process of creating a report using the Report Wizard.

Note: On UNIX platforms, the AVI feature supports only uncompressed files.

An animation or AVI displays how simulation properties vary over time. You can add an existing animation or AVI to a report, or create one based on an analysis result. Depending on the report format, the Report Wizard generates the animation in animated GIF or AVI format.

AVI movie files come in many different formats and use a specific codec format. These can be compressed or completely uncompressed with any one of hundreds of codecs (examples: DivX, MPEG-4v2, Indeo 3.2, I263, Cinepak etc.). The Report Wizard allows you to create an AVI using the more commonly used codecs (compressors).

Note: PowerPoint or Word reports can create only AVI animations. HTML reports can create GIF or AVI animations.
Note: To view an animation in PowerPoint or Word report, double-click the animation to see it play.
  1. On page 3 of the Report Generation Wizard dialog, from the Report items box, select the result you would like to animate.
  2. Select the Animation box in the Item details area if it is not already active.
  3. Click Properties next to the Animation check box. The Animation Properties dialog appears.
  4. Click the Animation format drop-down arrow, and select AVI movie from the list. Click OK.
  5. Click Generate. If a default compression format has not been set, the Select Compressor dialog appears, prompting you to select a compression format.
    Note: A default compression format can be set from the Options > Reports tab button.
    The AVI has been created.
Note: You must have Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, or later, and Microsoft Word 2010, or later, installed to create project reports in *.ppt and *.doc formats, respectively. To view the files, ensure the associated image and animation file types are set to open with the appropriate Microsoft programs by default.