Keyboard Shortcuts

Common shortcuts are listed below.

File management functions
Open Project Ctrl + O
New Study Ctrl + N
Close Alt + F, C
Save Study Ctrl + S
Print Ctrl + P
Editing functions
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Delete Del
Select By Properties Ctrl + B
Select All Ctrl + A
Copy Image to Clipboard Ctrl + I
Save Image to File Ctrl + F
Properties Alt + Enter
Viewing functions
Layers Ctrl + L
Modeling functions
Move/Copy (Translate) Ctrl + M
Query Entities Ctrl + Q
Mesh functions
Increase Local Mesh Density Ctrl + Up Arrow
Decrease Local Mesh Density Ctrl + Down Arrow
Mesh Tools (Auto Repair) Ctrl + T
Show Diagnostics Ctrl + D
Analysis functions
Fixed Constraint Ctrl + Shift + C
Job Manager Ctrl + J
Search Help F1
To get help on a dialog/results F1
In a dialog, cycle forwards through the items and boxes Tab
In a dialog, cycle backwards through the items and boxes Shift + Tab
To close a dialog without saving Esc
To show/hide Full Navigation Wheel Shift + W
Mouse Buttons
Display popup context menu Right-click in the display area
Select toolbars to display Right-click in the Toolbar area