Creates and configures iso styles for piping isometrics and spool drawings. Sets the paths and directories where isometric drawings are stored.
Creates or sets the Isometric style.
Displays a list of available iso styles.
Opens the Create Iso Style dialog box, where you specify the name for a new iso style.
Applies the iso style to spool drawings.
You can apply iso Styles to Isometric drawings or spool drawings. A spool drawing is a subset of a piping isometric that has start and end points indicating the fabricated subassembly.
Splits pipes longer than the maximum specified pipe length into segments with field welds placed between them.
When field fit welds are encountered, adds the specified length of pipe to the total pipe length in the BOM.
Specifies whether or not to split the drawing if a BOM table becomes too large.
Specifies whether file naming is by Line Number - Sheet Number (alphabetical) or Line Number - Sheet Number (numeric), which is the default. Can be set only for Isometric Drawing style. Spool drawings have the spool number as the file name.
Adds properties to the file name. You can edit the Prefix box to remove properties after they have been added.
Defines the spool sizing convention for a style.
Specifies whether spool sizing is automatic based on maximum size or on maximum weight. Or you can specify that the spool number from the model be used. If you choose maximum size or weight, you can enter the specific dimensions or weight in the boxes below the drop-down list.
Specifies that segments with maximum pipe lengths are spools.
Defines the Iso output paths.
Sets the location of the production iso output directory.
Sets the location of the quick iso output directory. Quick isos are not added to the project.