To convert a block to a block based component

Assign one or more piping connection ports to AutoCAD blocks. Save the drawing that contains the custom piping component block definitions.

  1. Create AutoCAD blocks to match piping component sizes.
  2. At the command prompt, enter plantpartconvert.
  3. Select an AutoCAD block.
  4. Enter a to add a port.
  5. Specify a port location.
  6. Specify a port direction. For example, (1,0).
  7. If the port indicator is not facing outward, enter f to flip the port.
  8. Enter a to accept the port location and orientation.
  9. Repeat steps 3 - 7 for each additional port.
  10. Enter x to end adding ports.
    Note: A block based component can be used as a specialty (non-spec) component model using plantcustomparts. To create a block based spec component, you can use the Specs and Catalogs Editor.

    Sample Blocks

    AP3D_Custom_Component_Sample (zip).