Move Project Base Points and Survey Points

The project base point and the survey point can be (clipped) or (unclipped).

By default, they are clipped in all views. To switch between the clipped and unclipped states, first click the point, and then the icon.

The following table describes how clipping and unclipping affects these points when you move them in a view.

Clipped Unclipped
Project Base Point
Moving a clipped project base point is the same as using the Relocate Project tool.
  • Project coordinates do not change for the model elements.
  • Shared coordinates change for the model elements.

Moving an unclipped project base point repositions the project coordinate system relative to both the model geometry and shared coordinate system.

  • Project coordinates change for the model elements.
  • The shared coordinates of the project base point change in the shared coordinate system. (The project coordinates of the project base point never change.)
  • Shared coordinates do not change for the model elements.
Project Survey Point

Moving a clipped survey point repositions the shared coordinate system relative to the model geometry and the project coordinate system.

  • Project coordinates do not change for the model elements.
  • Shared coordinates change for the model elements.

Moving an unclipped survey point moves only the survey point relative to the shared coordinate and the project coordinate systems.

  • Project coordinates do not change for the model elements.
  • Shared coordinates do not change for the model elements.
  • Only the shared coordinates of the survey point itself change.

To move the project base point or survey point in a view, do one of the following:

The startup location is the original position of the project base point in a new project. To return the project base point to its startup location:

  1. Unclip the project base point.
  2. Right-click the project base point, and click Move to Startup Location.