Instance Properties Reference

Review and modify properties of an element or view instance.

Use the Properties palette to modify the instance properties of

To modify

To modify an instance property, select the value field for the property, and either enter a value or select one from the drop-down list. For a property with a long list of options, enter keywords directly in the value field to search the list. A filtered list displays with the matched keywords highlighted. Then, simply select the value from the filtered list.

For specific information about the instance properties of a particular element, see the Help topic for that element type.

To save changes to properties

If making multiple changes, you can press Tab to move from one property to the next, or just click the next one you want to change. You can then use any of the methods listed above to commit all your changes at once.

To cancel changes before committing them, press Esc twice. Closing the palette also cancels your changes.

Note: If you are using an on-screen keyboard, you can disable the ability to commit changes to the Properties palette by moving the cursor off the palette. To disable this ability, in the Revit.ini file, in the [UserInterface] section, set DisableMppAutoApply equal to 1.