Beam Analysis Properties

Modify the analytical properties of the beam to accommodate structural analysis tools and procedures.

To change structural analytical properties, select the element. In the Properties palette, select the element specific analytical properties from the Properties filter.

Name Description
Analytical Model
Analyze as Used by external analysis applications to determine whether beam conditions contribute to lateral analysis.
Analytical Links Either Yes, No, or From Column. A frame element that can be set to fully rigid or released in global directions. When Analytical Links are enabled, an additional analytical segment is engaged in the model between the end of the analytical model of a beam and the analytical model of a column. From Column defines the analytical link of the beam to that of its connected column.

See Analytical Link.

Approximate Curve Applies to curved beams only. Select to create segment based on both the values for Maximum discretized offset and Use hard-points. See Segmented Analytical Model Parameters.
Maximum discretized offset Applies to curved beams only. Limits the distance between a smooth curve and a line segment when the Approximate curve parameter is selected. See Segmented Analytical Model Parameters.
Use hard-points Applies to curved beams only. Forces the segmented analytical model to have nodal points at the ends of the members attached to the curved beam when the Approximate curve parameter is selected. See Segmented Analytical Model Parameters.
Analytical Properties
Family Type The family type of the element.
Physical Material Asset The name of a physical asset assigned to the beam material (read-only).
Length The length of the analytical model.
Cross-Section Rotation Displays the cross-section rotation of analytical members. The angle of rotation is measured from the work plane of the member and the direction of the center reference plane.
Analytical Alignment
Start Alignment Method

Either Auto-detect or Projection. Specifies if the horizontal and vertical references of the beam start position are automatically justified or have a defined projection.

Start y Projection

Either Location Line, Left of Element, Center of Element, Right of Element, <Grids...>, or <Reference Planes...>. Available when Start Alignment Method is specified as Projection.

Specifies the horizontal location of the analytical model at the start of the beam.

Start z Projection

Either Location Line, Top of Element, Center of Element, Bottom of Element, <Level...>, <Reference Level...>, or <Reference Planes...>. Available when Start Alignment Method is specified as Projection.

Specifies the vertical location of the analytical model at the start of the beam.

End Alignment Method

Either Auto-detect or Projection. Specifies if the horizontal and vertical references of the beam end position are automatically justified or have a defined projection.

End y Projection

Either Location Line, Left of Element, Center of Element, Right of Element, <Grids...>, or <Reference Planes...>. Available when End Alignment Method is specified as Projection.

Specifies the horizontal location of the analytical model at the end of the beam.

End z Projection

Either Location Line, Top of Element, Center of Element, Bottom of Element, <Level...>, <Reference Level...>, or <Reference Planes...>. Available when End Alignment Method is specified as Projection.

Specifies the vertical location of the analytical model at the end of the beam.

Structural Analysis

(See About the Structural Analytical Model.)

Start Release Specifies the end release condition: either Fixed, Pinned, Bending Moment or User Defined. User Defined allows you to enable/disable each of the end release conditions.
Start Fx The translational release at the start end of the brace along the local x-axis. When selected the degree of freedom is released and the force is not available.
Start Fy The translational release at the start end of the brace along the local y-axis. When selected the degree of freedom is released and the force is not available.
Start Fz The translational release at the start end of the brace along the local z-axis. When selected the degree of freedom is released and the force is not available.
Start Mx The rotational release at the start end of the brace along the local x-axis. When selected the degree of freedom is released and the moment is not available.
Start My The rotational release at the start end of the brace along the local y-axis. When selected the degree of freedom is released and the moment is not available.
Start Mz The rotational release at the start end of the brace along the local z-axis. When selected the degree of freedom is released and the moment is not available.
End Release Specifies the end release condition: either Fixed, Pinned, Bending Moment or User Defined. User Defined allows you to enable/disable each of the end release conditions.
End Fx The translational release at the end of the brace along the local x-axis. When selected the degree of freedom is released and the force is not available.
End Fy The translational release at the end of the brace along the local y-axis. When selected the degree of freedom is released and the force is not available.
End Fz The translational release at the end of the brace along the local z-axis. When selected the degree of freedom is released and the force is not available.
End Mx The rotational release at the end of the brace along the local x-axis. When selected the degree of freedom is released and the moment is not available.
End My The rotational release at the end of the brace along the local y-axis. When selected the degree of freedom is released and the moment is not available.
End Mz The rotational release at the end of the brace along the local z-axis. When selected the degree of freedom is released and the moment is not available.
Member Forces Specifies the internal forces at the start and end of the analytical beams and braces. This data communicates load information for both documentation and connection fabrication. Click Edit to enter user-defined force and moment values.
Identity Data
Member Number An identifier created for the analytical member. This value should be unique across Analytical Beams, Analytical Braces and Analytical Columns in a project. Revit warns you if the number is already used but allows you to continue using it. You can see the warning using the Review Warnings tool. See Review Warning Messages.
Comments User comments.
Phase Created Indicates in which phase the beam was created. See Project Phasing.
Phase Demolished Indicates in which phase the beam was demolished. See Project Phasing.