When you are working in a team environment and have enabled worksharing, you can specify whether the elements, including walls, in a workset are editable.
Non-editable walls can be joined and unjoined according to the following guidelines:
- You can join or unjoin an editable wall and the side face of a non-editable wall or a corner where 2 or more non-editable walls are already joined.
- You can delete an editable wall that is joined to a non-editable wall, except as noted below.
- You cannot join or unjoin an editable wall to a non-editable wall if that would change the shape of the non-editable wall.
- You cannot join an editable wall to the end of a non-editable wall. Revit keeps the walls close together but does not join them and issues a warning. (You can make both walls editable later and join them.)
- A wall can resize, even if it is not editable, as happens if you move the wall to which it is joined.