To update family content in a project, reload the family and overwrite the existing version.
- Click Insert tabLoad from Library panel (Load Family).
- Navigate to the directory containing the family file to reload.
- Select the family file or files and click Open.
The Family Already Exists dialog displays.
- Do one of the following:
- Click Overwrite the existing version.
- Click Overwrite the existing version and its parameter values.
The type parameter values of the existing family are overridden by the parameter values of the family you are loading.
Attention: If the family is used in the building model and you override the parameter values of existing types, the type parameters in the family will update throughout the project with the new values.
- Click Cancel.
Note: When reloading a family, types in the existing project that no longer exist in the reloaded family will not be removed. This means that if you rename a type in the Family Editor then it will be created as an additional type when loaded into the project where the family already exists. It is therefore important to think carefully about type naming to avoid the need to rename types in the future and the subsequent switching out and purging of unused types from projects.