Specify whether parts and the elements they were created from will display in a particular view.
- Click in an empty area of the view so that the view properties display on the Properties palette.
- On the Properties palette, under Graphics, select one of the following options from the Parts Visibility drop-down list:
- Show Parts. Individual parts are visible in the view and will highlight when you move the cursor over them. The original element from which parts were created is not visible and cannot be highlighted or selected.
- Show Original. Individual parts are not visible, but the elements from which parts have been created are visible and selectable. The original elements will not be selectable, however, when the Create Parts tool is active. To further divide an original element you would select one of its parts, and then use the Edit Division tool. See Edit a Part Division.
- Show Both. Parts and original elements are both visible and can be individually highlighted and selected.
Controlling Part Appearance
Parts constitute a top-level
Revit category that has its own
object style, which defines the default cut and projection line weights, line color, line pattern, and material that will be used to display parts. You can change these settings in the object style, or override them for a particular view or a particular part.
Note: If you turn off visibility for parts in the view's Visibility/Graphic Overrides dialog, the Parts Visibility property is automatically set to Show Original. Likewise, if you change this setting to Show Parts, then visibility is automatically enabled for parts in the Visibility/Graphic Overrides dialog.