When Duct Settings is selected, the right pane displays a set of parameters that are common to all the duct systems in a project.
The Conversion branch below Duct Settings let you define default parameters that are applied separately to supply, return, and exhaust duct systems in your project.
Duct settings, duct sizes, and duct types can be copied to another project using the Transfer Project Standards feature.
The following parameters specify the default duct types, sizes, and settings:
Specifies whether duct fittings are drawn at the size specified by the Duct Fitting Annotation Size parameter. Changing this setting does not change the plotted size of components already placed in a project.
Specifies the plotted size of fittings and accessories drawn in single-line views. This size is maintained regardless of the drawing scale.
This parameter is used in determining duct sizing and pressure drop.
This parameter is used in determining duct sizing.
Specifies the symbol to be used in showing rectangular duct sizes. For example, when an x is used, a duct that is 12 inches high and 12 inches deep would be shown as 12” x 12”.
Specifies the symbol appended to the duct size for rectangular ducts.
Specifies the symbol preceding the duct size for round ducts.
Specifies the symbol appended to the duct size for round ducts.
Specifies the symbol used to separate information between 2 different connectors.
Specifies the symbol to be used in showing oval duct sizes. For example, when an x is used, a duct that is 12 inches high and 12 inches deep would be shown as 12” x 12”.
Specifies the symbol appended to the duct size for oval ducts.
Specifies the plotted size of rise/drop annotation drawn in single-line views. this size is maintained regardless of the drawing scale.
When Angles is selected, you can specify the fitting angle that Revit will use when adding or modifying duct.
Allow Revit to use any angle supported by the fitting content.
Specifies the angle increment that Revit should use to determine the angle values.
Enable or disable specific angles for Revit to use.
When Conversion is selected, you can specify parameters that control the elevations, duct size, and other characteristics for the ductwork created for the Main and Branch segments when using the Generate Layout tool.
This is the default duct type for main ductwork.
This is the height of duct components above the current level.
This the default duct type for branch ductwork.
This is the height of duct components above the current level.
This is the default type for flexible duct for branch ductwork (Flex Duct Round : Flex - Round, or None).
This is the longest length of a flexible duct segment that can be used in routing solutions for branch ductwork.
When Rectangular is selected, the right panel lists rectangular duct sizes available for a project and shows which sizes can be specified from the Options Bar. Although only one value is used to specify duct size here, it can be applied to height, width, or both. The Delete Size button removes a selected size from the table. The New Size button opens the Duct Size dialog, where you can specify new duct sizes to be added to the project.
When Oval is selected, the right panel lists oval duct sizes available for a project and shows which sizes can be specified from the Options Bar. Although only one value is used to specify duct size here, it can be applied to height, width, or both. The Delete Size button removes a selected size from the table. The New Size button opens the Duct Size dialog, where you can specify new duct sizes to be added to the project.
When Round is selected, the right panel lists round duct sizes available for a project and shows which sizes can be specified from the Options Bar. The Delete Size button removes a selected size from the table. The New Size button opens the Duct Size dialog, where you can specify new duct sizes to be added to the project.
You can select how size values will be used:
When selected for a specific duct size, the size appears in lists throughout Revit, including duct layout editor, duct modify editor, flex duct and flex duct modify editor. When cleared, the size does not appear in these lists.
When selected for a specific duct size, Revit determines the duct size, based on calculated system air flow. When cleared, the size is not used by the sizing algorithm.
When Calculation is selected, you can specify the method used when calculating duct pressure drop for straight segments. On the Pressure Drop tab, select a Calculation Method from the list. The details of the calculation method are displayed in the description field.
If third party calculation methods are available, they will display in the drop-down list.