Opening Instance Properties

Modify instance properties to change an opening's offsets, constraints, and more.

To change instance properties, select the element and change its properties on the Properties palette.

Name Description
Top Offset The offset of the opening from the top level. This parameter is enabled only when the Top Constraint is set to a level.
Base Offset The opening's height from its base constraint. This property is available only when the Base Constraint is set to a level.
Unconnected Height The height of the opening that is used if a Top Constraint is not defined, measured upwards from the opening's base.
Base Constraint The base level of the opening. For example, Level 1.
Top Constraint opening height extends to the value specified in Unconnected Height.
Phase Created This read-only field indicates the creation phase of the host element.
Phase Demolished This read-only field indicates the demolition phase of the host element.