Learn how to sketch and edit elements, set constraints, create parameters, and use other tools of the user interface.
Topics in this section
To create certain elements, you draw them by sketching. Sketching is also required to define other types of geometry, such as extrusions, openings, and regions.
Editing Elements
Use these techniques to modify and manipulate elements in the drawing area to achieve the desired design for the building model. Many of these tools are available on the Modify tab of the ribbon.
Reference Planes
Use the Reference Plane tool to draw reference planes to use as a guideline in your design.
Datum Extents and Visibility
Datum planes, such as those for levels, grids, and reference planes are not visible in all views.
Constraints build intelligence into the model, defining relationships and interdependencies between elements. Create constraints by applying locked dimensions and alignments, or attaching elements together (such as walls and roofs).
Parameters store and communicate information about all elements in a model.
Use formulas in dimensions and parameters to drive and control parametric content in a model.
Sloped Surfaces
To create a sloped surface, draw a slope arrow in the drawing area or change properties of boundary lines.
Compound Structure
Walls, floors, ceilings, and roofs can be composed of parallel layers.
Filter List
In several dialogs, you can use the Filter list to filter categories by discipline.
Add or Change a Uniformat Assembly Code
All model elements have Assembly Code and Assembly Description type properties based on the hierarchical list of Uniformat codes assigned by R.S. Means.