Adaptive Point Orientation

Specify the vertical and planar orientation of an adaptive point.

Orientation affects the adaptive component family when placed on another component or in a project environment.

On the Properties palette under the Adaptive Component section, specify the Orients to parameter. The following table specifies the available settings based on the z axis coordinate system and the xy axes coordinate system.
  • Global: The coordinate system of the environment in which the adaptive family instance is placed (either a family or a project).
  • Host: The coordinate system of an element on which the adaptive point of an instance is placed. (It is not necessary for the adaptive point to be hosted).
  • Instance: The coordinate system of the adaptive family instance.
  Orient z Axis to Global Orient z Axis to Host Orient z Axis to Instance
Orient xy Axes to Global

Global (xyz)

Orient xy Axes to Host Global (z) then Host (xy) 1

Host (xyz)

Host and Loop System (xyz)2

Instance (z) then Host (xy)
Orient xy Axes to Instance     Instance (xyz)

1 Planar projection (x and y) generates by tangencies of the geometry of the host component.

2 This applies to instances where the adaptive family has at least 3 points forming a loop. The orientation of the adaptive point is determined by the host. However, if the placed adaptive points of a component are placed in a different order with respect to the host order, (clockwise instead of counter-clockwise, for instance) z-axis will invert and the planar projection will exchange.

Note: These adaptive component parameters were renamed for the 2016 release of the software. The following table maps the old parameters to the new parameters.
The original adaptive point parameter Orientation is now Orients to
Old Option New Option
By Host Reference Host (xyz)
Auto-Calculate Host and Loop System (xyz)
Vertical on Placement Global (z) then Host (xy)
Orthogonal on Placement Global (xyz)
Vertical in Family Instance (z) then Host (xy)
Orthogonal in Family Instance (xyz)

Download the following diagnostic tripod to explore and better visualize adaptive component orientation behaviors.
