Remove Components from a System

This tool lets you select components in a view to be deleted from a system. Prior to removing a component from an existing system, you must first delete any ductwork that connects the component to an existing system.

  1. In the drawing area, select one of the components in the system where you want to remove components, and click the appropriate (Duct, or Pipe) Systems tabSystem Tools panelEdit System (Piping System or Duct System ).

    When more than one system is associated with the selected component, the Select a System dialog opens.

  2. Select a system and click OK.

    All except the components in the selected system are dimmed in the view, and the system editing tools display. The Options Bar displays the System Name, System Equipment and the Number of Elements in the system.

  3. Click Edit Duct/Pipe System tabEdit Duct/Pipe System panel Remove from System.
  4. In the drawing area, select the components that you want to remove from the system.
    Note: You can use a pick box to select multiple components.
  5. Click Finish Editing System to add the selected component(s) or Cancel Editing System to discard the changes.
    Note: Changes made while editing a system only appear in the System Browser after the you click Finish Editing System.

    The selected components are added to the system.