Enable Stingray Live Link

With Stingray and 3ds Max installed on the same system, you can install a plug-in to connect the two that provides additional functionality supporting the creation of game assets.

Install the DCC plug-in

To enable Stingray Live Link:
  1. Locate the plug-in installer StingrayDCCLink<version>.msi within the Stingray install directory. By default: \ProgramFiles\Autodesk\Stingray\version\extras.
  2. Double-click StingrayDCCLink<version>.msi and then click Install Now.

    A message displays when the installation is complete.

  3. Open Stingray.
  4. Click File > Settings > Editor Settings.

    The Editor Settings and External Applications rollouts appear in the Property Editor.

  5. In the 3ds Max Path in the External Applications rollout, enter the location of your 3ds Max application if it is not already listed.
  6. Open 3ds Max and verify the Stingray menu is in the menu bar.