Use Production rendering for full-scale, detailed images. Use ActiveShade for interactive preview renderings.
In 3ds Max, there are two different types of renderings:
Production rendering can use any renderer installed with 3ds Max.
Iterative rendering uses the Production renderer, but omits file output, network rendering, rendering of multiple frames, export to MI files, and email notification. This can be a useful option when you want to do quick repeated tests of a rendering. Iterative rendering works well with the Area To Render Selected or Region options.
ActiveShade rendering can use either the scanline, mental ray, or iray renderer.
To choose between production and ActiveShade rendering, use the Target drop-down list on the Render Setup dialog, or the main toolbar Render flyout. To change the renderer assigned to production or ActiveShade rendering, use the Renderer drop-down list or the Assign Renderer rollout.