Blended Box Map

Use the Blended Box Map to simplify the process of blended projected texture maps, allowing you to easily customize the maps and output.

Note: The Blended Box map appears in the Browser only if the active renderer supports it.

The Blended Box map allows you to project maps onto objects in a much simpler way than the traditional method requiring complex UV mapping. It is ideal for situations where you want to apply a box map across one or more objects to map them from all sides, such as applying details like dirt and grime.

Working similarly to box mapping, Blended Box map projects images from three 90° directions. You can project 1, 3, or 6 different maps for every side of the projection box. A key difference between the two mapping types is blending. Traditional box or cube mapping would create hard seams between the different UV projections, where Blended Box mapping gives you the ability to blend between the maps for a more seamless result.

Note: There are some limitations for the Blended Box map. It cannot be applied to deforming objects, and if you want to export to a real-time engine, you must first bake the solution back to UVs.


Parameters rollout

Blending group

Blend Amount
Percentage amount of blend between each projection. Default=25.
Blend Map
Percentage amount the blend map is spread onto the object(s).
Note: High amounts may cause bleeding.

Maps group

Number of Projections
Options include 1, 3, or 6 map projections.
  • 1 projects a single map on the top, bottom, left, right, front and back sides.
  • 3 projects one map on the top and bottom, one on the left and right, and another on the front and back sides.
  • 6 projects one map on the top, one on the bottom, one on the left, one on the right, one on the front, and another on the back side.
You can choose whether to project a color or a map on each available side, using the color and map (default=No Map) selection boxes.
Map Scale
Percentage scaling applied to all maps.
Load Maps
Loads multiple similarly named maps simultaneously when you select only one. Maps will be assigned to the appropriate side, as long as their names correspond to the channel. For example: checker_left.jpg, checker_front.jpg, etc.

Projection group

Lock to Frame
Select the check box to lock the projection onto the object at the frame number you specify. Prevents the projection from skewing when the object is animated with transforms such as Move, Rotate or Scale.

Lock to Frame allows you to get cleaner projections on built models.

Note: Does not work with deformations.
Project Onto
Select what objects the maps are projected on. Options include:
Individual Objects
Each object has its own mapping projection.
Multiple Objects at Once
Treats multiple objects as though they were one object. You can control the mapping placement by creating and transforming a dummy object "projection box" in the scene.
Projects onto multiple objects at once and automatically fits the projection size, based on a bounding box you create.
Forces the projection to be cubic, preventing texture stretching when using a square map (725x725, 1024x1024, etc.). Options include:
Each object is mapped using projection sizes you define using gizmos (one gizmo per object).
All objects are mapped using the same projection size based on the selected object.
All objects are mapped using a projection size you define using a gizmo (one gizmo for all objects).
All objects are mapped using a projection size based on the largest object with the applied material.

Transforms rollout

Randomize Projection group

Note: Randomization parameters are only available in Individual Projection mode.
Sets the randomization value.
Randomize Axis
Sets which axis the projection is randomized upon. Options include X, Y, and Z.

Map Transform group

Use random values
Applies random values to the transforms, based on the Seed setting.
Shifts the projection position along the U and V axes.
The Lock button locks the V position offset to match the U position.
Sets the degree you rotate the projection for the top and bottom (T/B), left and right (L/R), and front and back (F/B).
The Lock button locks all rotation offsets to match the top and bottom offset.
Increases/decreases the projection size by U and V axes.
The Lock button locks the V scale to match the U scale.

Render Projection Templates rollout

Renders all sides of the projection into individual images to make it easier to paint texture maps onto individual images using a 3rd party program.

Opens the Render Projection Templates dialog, where you specify a file name, type and location. The tool appends the appropriate suffix automatically (_top, _left, etc.).
Resolution Maximum Value
Sets the largest possible map resolution.
Renders the images.