With the Stingray game engine and 3ds Max on the same system, you can export scenes directly to your Stingray project with no polygon count restriction.
This is important if you have previously sent this mesh and its materials to Stingray. When Overwrite Materials is off, materials are only created if they are missing in Stingray, but they are not updated if they already exist. This can be useful if you have made changes to the material in Stingray and you do not want 3ds Max to overwrite them as you update the mesh.
The Save to Stingray dialog appears.
The assets export to your Stingray project, into the specified directory. The FBX file is available immediately in the Stingray Asset Browser, and you can place the imported assets into your Stingray level. Any material associated with the objects you send are created as separate files alongside the asset in the Stingray directory.