System Paths

This dialog is especially useful if you are programming your own scripts for 3ds Max.

When you start 3ds Max, it checks these folders and runs or otherwise uses the corresponding files:

File Type Function
Additional Icons Path for additional icons
Additional Macros Path for additional macros
Additional Scripts Path for additional scripts
Additional Startup Scripts Path for additional startup scripts
Hardware Shaders Cache Cache for hardware shaders
Page File Path for automatic bitmap paging
Temp Path for temporary files
Tip: The Page File entry defaults to a \temp subfolder in your user settings ( \users\<username>\appdata\local\autodesk\3dsmax\temp). However, if you plan to do large renderings, it is a good idea to reassign this path to a dedicated, high-performance drive that can serve as a scratch disk for bitmap caching.

To disable or enable bitmap paging, use the Asset Tracking dialog Bitmap Performance And Memory menu, or the Global Settings And Defaults For Bitmap Proxies dialog.


To modify a path:

  1. Click a path entry to highlight it.
  2. Click Modify.
  3. Use the Choose Directory dialog to do one of the following:
    • Enter a path in the Path field.
    • Navigate to locate a path.
  4. Click Use Path.

    The new path takes effect immediately.