About Voxel Skinning Options

Use the Geodesic Voxel Solver window to access voxel solving options.

Determines how smooth the bone blends. A value of 0 is the smoothest, while 1 is the most rigid.
Max Influence
The maximum number of bones that can influence a vertex. A value of 0 lets the solver decide how many bones to use.
Max Resolution
Determines the density of the voxel structure to use. The more dense, the more accurate the solve, but at a cost of time.
Use Winding Number
Adds to the accuracy, but slows down the solve.
Turn off Envelope Gizmos
When solving weights with Voxel or Heat Map, the weights are baked and the envelopes no longer have an effect on the skin weights. This option turns the display of the gizmos off.