Command-line rendering gives you the ability to set a series of common switches that can be quickly re-used for rendering a single job from Start Run, or for rendering a group of scenes specified in a BAT file. You can build your text file using any text editor.
-bitmapPath=\\mapServer\maps\myMaps -cam=myCamera -width=800 -height=600 -vfb=true -frames=all -force2Sided=true
“c:\program files\autodesk\[program folder name]\3dsmaxcmd” @c:\myrender.txt -o=“c:\program files\autodesk\[program folder name]\renderoutput\myImage.tga” “c:\program files\autodesk\[program folder name]\scenes\myscene.max”
and click OK.
Using a TXT file that contains your favorite settings, in conjunction with a command line that specifies the output file format and scene of your choice, gives you the flexibility to re-use the TXT file without having to edit it each time you want to render. You can create several TXT files with settings for different stages of scene development, such as testrender.txt or finalrender.txt.