Mesh Inspector

Checks mesh geometry to be sure it is valid.

The Mesh Inspector helps ensure the reliability of 3ds Max by checking the texture channels and topology of Editable Mesh and Editable Poly objects. When active, Mesh Inspector checks meshes when you:

The Mesh Inspector looks for the following kinds of errors:

Level 1 errors:

Level 2 errors:

Mesh Inspector runs two passes. It first checks for Level 1 errors and repairs these. Repairs to Level 1 errors don't require topology changes and are repaired silently. It then checks for Level 2 errors. Repairs to Level 2 errors require topology changes, and if you turn off Mesh Auto Repair, Mesh Inspector opens the Mesh Inspector dialog, which asks whether you want to make the repairs.

When Mesh Inspector is enabled and Mesh Auto Repair is on, Mesh Inspector repairs both Level 1 and Level 2 errors silently, and you do not see the Mesh Inspector dialog.


Node Name
Shows the name of the object with errors.
Error Count
Shows the number of errors found.
[errors window]
Describes the errors found.
Repair All
Click to repair all errors in the scene without further interaction.
Click to repair the current object. If other objects in the scene have errors, the Mesh inspector dialog will reappear.
Show Details
Click to open the log file ( max.log) to see more detailed error messages. Messages from the Mesh Inspector appear at the bottom of the log.
Note: In error messages in the log file, "NAN" stands for "not a number," and "MNMesh" stands for "Editable Poly."
Skip All
Click to leave all Level 2 errors uncorrected.
Note: Clicking (Close) to close the Mesh Inspector dialog skips corrections for the current object. If other objects in the scene have errors, the Mesh Inspector dialog will reappear.