Camber properties tab

The options on this tab of the properties dialog box allow you to create cambered beams.

Cambered beams are beams that are fabricated curved and will become straight members after the installation on site, either due to their own weight or because of loads.

In Advance Steel, cambered beams are modeled as straight members, but they have a curved representation on the drawing.


A Cambered Beam drawing style must be used to detail cambered beams.

Is cambered

Defines the selected beam as cambered. Next, the cambered beam properties can be set.

Direction on Y

If selected, the camber direction is in the Y direction of the beam, otherwise it is in X.

Start offset

The distance to the start point of the cambered area.

End offset

The distance from the beam end to the end point of the cambered area.


Defines the camber height (the delta distance for the curve in the center of the beam)

Is asymmetric

Creates a cambered beam that is not symmetric. In this case, the cambered position must be defined.

Camber position

Defines the offset of the cambered height.