Each workplane has a name.
User workplanes are created by a specific command. There are several methods to create a workplane.
According to the selected method, the command proceeds to acquire the necessary points.
The last step of the command asks for the workplane name. The name must have at least one character other than space; leading and trailing spaces are trimmed.
Each new level creates one workplane that is designated as the main workplane of the level. This workplane is created horizontal, at the level altitude and has the 'binding type' property set to 'horizontal bind'.
Using workplanes you can place elements in the correct location.
Before starting creating elements, create the workplane in the appropriate position using one of the creation methods.
Each definition point of an object can be attached individually to a single workplane using the Attach to workplane command. The selected definition points will be moved on the workplane and will be bound to it.
The workplanes are used to bind the following objects:
Several commands attach the created objects to the active workplanes automatically.
When visible in 3D, workplanes are represented by rectangles with a name. The size of the rectangle depends on the current zoom. Displaying the workplane helps understanding the active workplane in a 3D view and it is useful for viewing the workplane location when attaching elements.
The list of all created workplanes is displayed on the Workplanes tab of the Project Explorer .
Workplanes are activated by clicking one of the edit boxes at the top of the Workplanes tab of the Project Explorer .
At any given moment, it is possible to designate maximum two active workplanes:
Activating a workplane on the top position, sets the UCS to the workplane.
You can delete workplanes using the Erase option in the workplanes contextual menu.
You can delete the main workplane of the level only by removing the level.
Deleting a workplane disconnects it from all the objects that were bound to it, including the level model views.
You can rename workplanes in the properties dialog box or by double-clicking the tree item in the Project Explorer .
Workplanes defined as main workplane of a level cannot be renamed: they always have the same name as the level.
The leading and trailing spaces are trimmed from the input names.
Multi-user behavior
Renaming workplanes does not require the entity to be checked-out or partially checked-out.
You can detach one or several elements from the workplane.
The software finds all the definition points of the selected elements that are connected to workplanes from the current selection and detaches them from their workplane. The list of the detached elements is displayed in the command line.