Create poly beams

A poly beam is a beam sequence (straight beams, curved beams or a combination of the two) created as a single object.

To create poly beams, a polyline must be created. Any 2D or 3D polyline can be converted to a poly beam.

There are two ways to draw a poly beam:

To access the command

Ribbon: Objects > Beams:

Command line: _astm4CommCrBeamPoly

To create a poly beam from a polyline

  1. Draw a polyline in a suitable user coordinate system.
  2. On the Objects tab, Beams panel: Click .
  3. On the command line, type P (polyline) and press <Enter>.
  4. Select the polyline(s) and press <Enter>.
  5. Delete or keep the polyline by choosing Y (Yes) or N (No).
  6. Press <Enter>.

To create a poly beam

  1. Select a suitable UCS.
  2. On the Objects tab, Beams panel: Click .
  3. Specify the points as you would usually draw a polyline.
  4. Press <Enter> to finish.