Create a polygonal contour processing

All kinds of contours (including circular) are cut from a beam. They can be attached either as inner contours or as outer contours. The contour is defined by entering several points.


To access the command

Features tool palette:

Command line: _AstM4BeamContourNotchPolygon

To create a polygon contour point by point

  1. Select a suitable UCS.
  2. Features tool palette: Click .
  3. Select a beam end.
  4. Select the polygon corner points one after another.
  5. Type C (Close) on the command line to close the polygon.
  6. Press <Enter>.

The polygonal contour is created.

To create a polygon contour with a circular shape

  1. Select a suitable UCS.
  2. Features tool palette: Click .
  3. Select a beam end.
  4. Define the first point.
  5. Type A on the command line and press <Enter>.
  6. Select the points one after another.
    • To draw a polygon again, type L on the command line and press <Enter>.
  7. Type C on the command line to close the contour and press <Enter>.

To create a polygon contour from a polyline

  1. Select a suitable UCS.
  2. Draw the polygonal contour you want to cut from the beam.
  3. Features tool palette: Click .
  4. Select a beam. Type P on the command line and press <Enter>.
  5. Select the polyline and press <Enter>.