With this tool, you can cut rectangular contours dependent on UCS, defined by the center point from a plate. They can be attached as inner contour as well as outer contour. The rectangle size is given by the defaults.
The definition points of the object processing are placed in the coordinate system plane and projected along the Z-direction onto the plate plane. The result is that the length and width of the processing in the plate plane is distorted.
To access the command
Features tool palette:
Command line: _AstM14PlateContourNotchRect1Dig
To create a rectangular contour by center point
With this tool, you can cut rectangular contours dependent on UCS, defined by two diagonal points from a plate. They can be attached as inner contour as well as outer contour.
The definition points of the object processing are placed in the coordinate system plane and projected along the Z-direction onto the plate plane. The result is that the length and width of the processing in the plate plane is distorted.
To access the command
Features tool palette:
Command line: _AstM4PlateContourNotch RECTANGLE2DIG
To create a rectangular contour by two points
With this tool you can cut circular contours defined by the center point from a plate. They can be attached as inner contour as well as outer contour. The circle is defined by entering the center point. The circle size is given by the defaults.
These functions are available dependent on and independent of the system of coordinates.
To access the command
Features tool palette:
Command line: _AstM14ContourNotchCircle1Dig
To create a circular contour by a center point
With this tool you can cut circular contours from a plate. They can be attached as inner contour as well as outer contour. The circle is defined by entering the center point and a circle point. The circle size is given by the two points.
These functions are available dependent on and independent of the system of coordinates.
To access the command
Features tool palette:
Command line: _AstM14ContourNotchCircle2Dig
To create a circular contour by a center point
To access the command
Features tool palette:
Command line: _AstM14ContourNotchPolygon
To create a polygonal contour with straight segments
To create a polygonal contour with combination of straight and arc segments