You can select one or more objects individually. Click the elements one by one using the mouse.
Objects of any type, within a rectangular area can be selected.
Specify two diagonal corners to define a rectangular area. The direction towards the cursor is dragged from the first point to the diagonal corner determines which objects are selected.
You can use the Model Browser to select elements from the model.
A drawing can contain ACIS solids, CAD entities and Advance objects. This tool allows you to select all Advance Steel objects.
To access the command
Selection filters tool palette:
You can use the following method to select all elements of a particular type from the model:
Any object selection can be reversed: the selected objects are un-selected and the un-selected objects are selected.
To access the command
Selection filter tool palette:
Command line: _AstM4CommSelectAllDscObjects OPP
To reverse a selection
This tools allows you to filter a set of objects of a specific type ( beams, plates, gratings etc) from the entire model or from a selection. The object type from the selection that you want to filter is selected from the Selection filters tool palette.
To access the command
Selection filters tool palette: Select the desired element type
Command line: _AstM4SelectObjectByName [type of object]
To filter an object selection
Various object properties or object types can be used to include objects in a selection set, or to exclude them.
You can filter selection sets by object types and by properties (such as material, thickness, diameter etc). For example, you can select all bolts of a specified diameter without selecting any other object, or you can select all objects except the bolts.
Using the Search filter, you can filter a selection set based on specified criteria (object type, properties, number etc). You can name search filters and save them as queries for future use. The list of existing queries is displayed in the Project Explorer.
During workflow, in some situations, specific objects are marked using Advance Steel marking tools. All previously highlighted objects can be selected.
To access the command
Selection tool palette:
Command line: _AstM4CommSelectMarkedObjects
To select exiting highlighted objects