LISP Changes for Layer Snapshots and Layer States Reference

Note: In AutoCAD Architecture 2013 the Layer Snapshot functionality is discontinued in favor of the Layer State functionality. Existing layer snapshots (LAY) files are automatically converted to layer states (LAS) when the Layer States Manager is invoked in a legacy drawing with layer snapshots. The layer snapshot is deleted after the conversion.

If you have accessed layer snapshots via LISP routines in the past, these LISP functions are the equivalents of the discontinued layer snapshot functions and must be exchanged in your scripts:

Defunct Layer Snapshot Function New Layer States Function
AecLayerAddToSnapshot layerstate-addlayers
AecLayerExportSnapshot layerstate-export
AecLayerGetSnapshot layerstate-getlayers
AecLayerImportSnapshot layerstate-import
AecLayerRestoreSnapshot layerstate-retore