In this exercise, you will create a surface from a subset of imported point cloud points, and then examine the relationship between the point cloud and surface objects.
This exercise continues from Exercise 2: Working with Point Cloud Styles.
Adjust the visible point density
On the Point Cloud tab, on the Point Cloud Tools panel, the Point Density slider enables you to adjust the density of points displayed at once for all point clouds in the drawing view. When the slider is set to 100, the drawing will display either 750000 point cloud points, or all the point cloud points that exist in the visible area, whichever is less.
The density of the points that are visible in the visible drawing area is reduced.
Add point cloud points to a surface
A closed polygon is displayed in the drawing. In the following steps, you will create a surface from the point cloud points that are inside this polygon.
You may also add the point cloud points to an existing surface in the current drawing.
If the property values do not match, use the links on the left side of the dialog box to return to the previous pages.
The gray surface contours and cyan surface points are displayed in the drawing, and a surface object is displayed in Toolspace on the Prospector tab.
Modify the surface
As you zoom in, AutoCAD Civil 3D honors the point cloud density setting by displaying more point cloud points.
The cyan surface points are removed, and the contours update. The brown point cloud points are still present because they are stored in the point cloud database, and are not affected by edits to the surface.
The surface updates to include the point cloud data that is enclosed in the new area.
Further exploration: On the right-hand side of the surface, the surface contours extend beyond the extents of the polygon. The surface triangulated outside that side of the surface. You may use the polygon as an outer boundary to prevent triangulation outside the surface extents. For more information, see the Adding an Outer Boundary to a Surface exercise.