In this exercise, you will use grips in a superelevation view to modify the superelevation cross slopes and critical station values.
This exercise continues from Exercise 4: Adding and Modifying Superelevation Stations.
Examine the grips
A series of grips appears at each of the superelevation critical stations along each line, as well as on the superelevation view. You will learn the purpose of the grips later in this exercise.
Move a critical station graphically
Only the grips of the selected superelevation region are displayed.
The cursor snaps to the grip, and a menu of options is displayed. You can use this grip to either change the station value, or add or remove a critical station.
The transition in region is updated.
The new station value is also shown in the Superelevation Tabular Editor and Superelevation Curve Manager.
Remove or apply curve smoothing
The cursor snaps to the grip, and a menu of options is displayed. You can use this grip to change the cross slope at this critical station, remove the grade break, or remove curve smoothing.
The curve is removed from the grade break.
You may use the same process to add curve smoothing to a grade break.
Change the cross slope at a superelevation critical station
When a grade grip is cyan, a grade break exists at the current location. Like other cyan grips in a superelevation view, a menu of options is displayed.
When a grade grip is gray, the current location has a consistent grade. Because no grade break is present, the only option is to change the cross slope.
Notice that the grip color is now cyan. This happened because you created a grade break at the current location.
Change the cross slope between superelevation curves
The cursor snaps to the grip, and a menu of options is displayed. You can use this grip to change the cross slope of either one or both of the shoulders or lanes between the previous and next superelevation critical stations. This grip is available in sections where lanes or shoulders are fully superelevated, as well as on tangents that are between curves.
The cross slopes of both the left and right shoulders are updated.