To Export Storm Sewers .stm Files From AutoCAD Civil 3D
You can export one or more pipe networks into an .stm file. You must choose entire pipe networks. You cannot export individual parts, or a set of connected parts within a pipe network.
The .stm file can then be opened by the Hydraflow Storm Sewers extension for analysis and editing. After editing the file in Storm Sewers, you can import it back into AutoCAD Civil 3D. Changes made to the file while in the Storm Sewers extension are recognized in AutoCAD Civil 3D.
To export an .stm file from AutoCAD Civil 3D
Click Output tabExport panelExport To Storm SewersFind.
On the Export to Storm Sewers dialog box, specify the pipe networks to be exported, and then click OK.
On the Export Storm Sewers to File dialog box, specify the location and the name for the .stm file, and then click Save.
To export an .stm file from AutoCAD Civil 3D and open it in Storm Sewers for editing
Click Analyze tabDesign panel Edit In Storm SewersFind.
On the Export to Storm Sewers dialog box, specify the pipe networks to be exported, and then click OK.
On the Export Storm Sewers to File dialog box, specify the location and the name for the .stm file, and then click Save.