Supported file formats and some tips for best results
You can save or export Inventor parts and drawings in several formats. In Inventor, you can also save or export assemblies, presentations, and parameters in various formats, depending on the date.
For Cable and Harness files, you can save the harness part only in the context of its parent harness assembly. If there are no changes to the harness part, it is not listed in the dialog box. You can save the parent harness assembly on its own.
For Tube and Pipe files, you can save the Tube and Pipe route part and run assembly only in the context of the master runs assembly. When you make edits that change the route part or run assembly and click Yes to save dependants, the master runs assembly also changes to Yes. If you change the status of the route part or the run assembly, save the master and all other modified run assemblies or route parts under the master runs assembly as a unit.
You can set options, and export the sheets in a drawing to a PDF file.
You can specify the pixel resolution for vector and raster graphics of the PDF files that you create. The higher the resolution, the greater the precision but the larger the file size.
When you create PDF files intended for plotting, select a resolution to match the output of your plotter or printer. High resolutions (over 2400 DPI) are for viewing. For example, for drawings that contain a lot of detail, such as a topographical map of a large region, use a higher setting for greater detail in the PDF file. Use extreme resolutions (over 40,000 DPI) only when necessary. As you increase the resolution setting, raster image quality increases, the speed of printing decreases, and memory requirements increase.
Save |
Export |
Part files |
DWG, DWF, DWFx, IGES, JT, OBJ, SAT, STEP, STL, CATIA V5 (.CATPart), Parasolid Binary (.x_b), Parasolid Text (.x_t), Pro/ENGINEER Granite (.g), Pro/ENGINEER Neutral (.neu) 3D PDF, PDF, BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, TIFF |
Assembly files (not available in Inventor LT) |
DWG, DWF, DWFx, IGES, JT, OBJ, SAT, STEP, STL, CATIA V5 (.CATProduct), Parasolid Binary (.x_b), Parasolid Text (.x_t), Pro/ENGINEERGranite (.g), Pro/ENGINEERNeutral (.neu) 3D PDF, PDF, BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, TIFF |
Autodesk Inventor Drawing |
Inventor Drawing (DWG), Inventor Drawing (IDW) |
Autodesk Inventor Drawing (DWG), Autodesk Inventor Drawing (IDW), AutoCAD Drawing files (DWG), DWF, DWFx, DWG, DXF PDF, BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, TIFF |
AutoCAD Drawing files |
Autodesk Inventor Drawing (DWG), AutoCAD Drawing (DWG), Autodesk Inventor Drawing (IDW), DWF, DWFx, DXF PDF, BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, TIFF |
Sheet metal flat pattern files (Inventor Professional only) |
IPT from base IPT file |
DWG, DWF, DWFx, JT, SAT, STEP PDF, BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, TIFF Right-click the flat pattern in the model browser, and Save Copy As SAT, DWG, or DXF. |
Presentation files (Inventor Professional only) |
Sketch or planar face |
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Right-click a sketch in the model browser, and select Export Sketch As DWG (AutoCAD/LT or DXF (AutoCAD R12/LT2). |
Parameters |
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