Use BOM functions to perform operations on the Bill of Material in an assembly.
You can override the calculated component quantity shown in the BOM. You can also export BOM data to Excel and other formats.
To access the BOM functions, expand the BOM node under the System tab in the Snippets area of the iLogic Edit Rule dialog.
Export the BOM to an external file.
ThisBOM.Export(“BOMViewName”, filename, format)
The name that appears in a tab in the Inventor Bill of Materials dialog box. This value can be Structured, or Parts Only. The Model Data view is not supported. Enable the view you want to use before you run the rule for the first time (right-click on the tab in the BOM table).
Name of the export file to create (with filename extension). If you do not specify a full path, the BOM is exported to the folder in which the assembly is stored. For an Excel export, the filename extension must be .xls (.xlsx is not supported).
Can be one of the following:
ThisBOM.Export("Parts Only", "Bom353.xls", kMicrosoftExcelFormat) ThisBOM.Export("Structured", "Bom631.xls", kTextFileTabDelimitedFormat) ThisBOM.Export("Structured", ThisDoc.ChangeExtension(".mdb"), kMicrosoftAccessFormat)
Overrides the quantity for a component. This function can be useful if you only show a few instances in the model, and the BOM lists the actual number. It is like opening the Bill of Materials dialog box, and then choosing "Static Quantity" instead of "Calculate Quantity” in the QTY column for a component.
ThisBOM.OverrideQuantity(“Model Data”, partNumber, quantity)
The first argument names the BOM view and must always be "Model Data".
The Part Number property of the component. This value shows up as a column in the BOM view.
Quantity to set for this component.
ThisBOM.OverrideQuantity("Model Data", "Top Screw", 18)
Sets the BOM quantity back to the automatically calculated quantity.
quantity = ThisBOM.CalculateQuantity(“Model Data”, “partNumber”)
quantity = ThisBOM.CalculateQuantity("Model Data", "Top Screws")