The Content Center environment provides various methods to locate content: Browsing capabilities, Search, Favorites, History, and Filters.
Content Center Families and Categories
The basic element in a Content Center library is a part or feature family. A family consists of family members based on the same template (parametric .ipt file) and having the same properties (part properties and preview image). Family members represent variations of a part or feature, for example various sizes of a standard part.
Families are grouped in categories. For example, studs and hex head bolts are nested under the Bolts category. A category can contain subcategories or families.
Content Center data are viewed as one database. If some Content Center parts are available in more than one library, they are displayed only once. If a library is updated, use the Refresh Content command on the Tools menu to refresh the data in the Content Center dialog box. This command also clears the part templates and other files from the cache memory folder.
Tip: To identify the storage library for a part (feature) family, open the Family Information tab of the Content Member Selection panel. Then view the Component Library field.
Content Center Browser
Use the Content Center browser to navigate in the Content Center database:
To customize the browsing environment, in the View menu, select panels to be displayed (Tree View, Table View), and the data display (Thumbnail, List, Detail List).
- To customize the Detail List view, right-click a column heading on the Detail List table, and click Customize. In the Customize Selection dialog box, select family properties to display, set order of the properties, and click OK.
- Use filters to exclude categories, manufacturers, or international standards from the view.
- To display the History panel, click History.
- To make the navigation faster and more convenient, add the frequently used parts, features, and part (feature) families to the Favorites list.
- Use Search to find parts that correspond to appropriate parameters.