It is possible for different components with the same part number to appear at the same level in the BOM. In this case, quantities are summed together and properties that do not match are reported as Varies in the BOM.
- On the ribbon, select the Assemble tab
Manage panel
Bill of Materials
- Optionally, do one of the following to change the table display:
- Drag column headers to change the display order.
- Select the Model Data tab to display a view equivalent to the assembly browser without item numbers. This display cannot be reported in a Parts List.
- Select the Structured tab to display a BOM view that can be reported in a Parts List. Right-click to enable.
- Select the Parts Only tab to display all parts with no assembly structure that can be reported in a Parts List. Right-click to enable.
- To edit a BOM cell:
- Select the BOM cell and enter a new value. If the field is an iProperty, the value is written to the iProperties of the source file when saved.
- Double-click an entry in the BOM Structure column to enable the structure drop list.
Note: Select a BOM cell to highlight the component in the browser and graphic window.
- Optionally, right-click one or more cells to open the selected components in separate new windows.
- Optionally, right-click a cell and do one of the following:
- Use Copy or Paste.
- Select Capitalize to capitalize all text in the selected field.
- Select Find (or Replace) and then set the options in the dialog.
Tip: You can copy and paste a BOM selection to Microsoft Excel for editing. After editing, copy and paste the data back to the BOM table if the selection is identical to the original.