Sets the options for working with drawings.
File Options
Drawing tab
Sets the default behavior when creating drawing views.
Sets the default for retrieving all model dimensions when placing a view in a drawing. When the check box is selected, all applicable model dimensions are added to each drawing view when they are placed.
Clear the check box to retrieve dimensions manually after view placement.
Sets the default position of the dimension text. When creating a linear or angular dimension:
Sets how the drawing geometry is selected when you create ordinate dimensions.
Sets the default display of the Edit Dimension dialog box. When selected, the Edit Dimension dialog box displays when placing a dimension using General Dimension.
Enables or disables part modification from within drawings. Changes to a model dimension on a drawing change the corresponding part dimension.
Chose from Centered or Fixed. Centered justification grows or shrinks the view size in all directions when geometry modifications are made. Fixed justification grows or shrinks the view in relation to where in the model the geometry modification takes place.
Controls the sectioning of standard parts in the drawing view of assemblies. By default, the Obey Browser Settings option is selected. Section standard parts is turned Off by default in the drawing browser. The setting can be changed to Always or Never.
Specifies the insertion point used when inserting title blocks. The locators correspond to the outermost corner of the title block. Click the appropriate control to set the desired location.
Sets the preferred type for linear, diametric, and radial dimensions.
Sets the default drawing file type (.idw or .dwg) when creating a drawing using New Drawing on the Quick Access toolbar.
Also, sets the default drawing file type used (.idw or .dwg) when searching for drawings in part environments (or assembly and presentation environments if you have Inventor. To search for a drawing, select the part, assembly or presentation in the browser, right-click and select Open Drawing.
The search is performed in the current folder, and maximally, three subfolders.
If no drawing file with the matching name is found, the Open dialog displays. The Files of type option is set to Autodesk Inventor Drawings (.idw or .dwg).
Sets the default behavior in the Open Options dialog box when opening a non-Inventor DWG file.
Sets the default Inventor DWG File Version.
Sets the default insertion point of a view block to View Center or model origin.
Enables the display of unique line weights in drawings. Clear the check box to show lines without weight differences. This setting does not affect line weights in printed drawings.
Click Settings to set line weights display in the Line Weight Settings dialog box.
The following options allow control over the preview. The Bounding Box option displays the minimum graphics.
Show Preview As sets preference for preview images. The default is All Components (not available in Inventor LT) or Bounding Box (Inventor LT). If you have Inventor, click the arrow to select Partial or Bounding Box. Partial and Bounding Box options reduce memory consumption. The preview has no effect on the resulting drawing view.
Section View Preview as Uncut controls section preview with or without cutting components. Select the checkbox to preview the model as uncut or clear the check box (the default) to preview as cut. The preview has no effect on the resulting drawing view.
Switches the display of raster drawing views on or off.
Raster views increase your productivity when you work with drawings created for large assemblies. You can review a drawing or create drawing annotations before precise calculation of drawing views finishes. Precise drawing views are calculated in the background while you work with raster views.
Note on default install locations for both Import and Export operations:
Inventor. Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows 8: Users\[login]\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Inventor [version]\Preferences.
Inventor LT. Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows 8: Users\[login]\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Inventor LT [version]\Preferences