These settings pertain to the graphical appearance and system performance.
File Options
Hardware tab
Several factors contribute to the end result, such as:
These factors can be different in a number of ways, for example, the OS may support DirectX 10, but the graphics hardware may not. The reverse can also be true.
If graphics windows are open when any of these settings are changed, the new settings do not take effect until all windows have been closed.
The following graphics setting choices determine your graphics preference and can influence system performance.
This setting favors graphics presentation over system performance. For machines running Windows 7 and Windows 8, turns on anti-aliasing and improves the visual quality of the graphics display.
This setting favors system performance over graphic presentation. Anti-aliasing is turned off for machines running Windows 7 and 8. This is the default setting.
Specifies the use of software based graphics processing rather than hardware based. The setting has often been seen as a last resort for graphics choices. However, if the machine has an older graphics card, but a newer operating system, Windows 7 and 8, then it would be possible to use this option to access DirectX 10 supported features.
The supported operating systems are:
Diagnostics displays a message box with results of diagnostic testing, which differ according to the selected Hardware Driver Type. When reporting a display issue, please click Diagnostics, then click OK, then paste the contents of the copy/paste buffer into the report. If a Customer Error Report has been generated and sent to Autodesk, this information was included in it.