To Embed Autodesk Inventor View in a Web Page

The Application Programming Interface (API) contains several properties and methods that you can use in your Web page.

You can set properties using the <param> tag or you can use the API properties and methods with a scripted language such as Visual Basic Script. You can also create applications with programming languages such as C++ and Visual Basic using the API.

You can use the <object> tag to embed Inventor View and reference a part in an HTML file. You can view a part from the Internet or intranet.

Note: Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.01 or later is required.
  1. Create an HTML file as you normally would.
  2. Set up the controls using the HTML <param> tag. This sets properties that customize the buttons for changing the size of the control window, buttons for changing the display mode, and buttons for opening the file.
    Note: It is recommended that you use the <param> tag to set properties instead of appending them to the URL or path. There are situations where your browser may remove appended parameters.
  3. Use the "classid" parameter of the <object> tag to embed Inventor View in the file. The following must be used in your HTML file:

    <object classid="CLSID:A6336AB8-D3E1-489A-8186-EE40F2E027FE" id=ViewerControl1>

  4. Set your API properties for controlling the file in the Web page.
  5. When setting the height and width parameters in an HTML page, it is recommended that you use static values instead of percentages. If you use percentages, and then resize the browser window, the file is distorted when printed.

HTML Example


<HEAD><TITLE>Test Viewer Control</TITLE></HEAD>


<FORM ID="TestForm" LANGUAGE="VBScript">

<table style-class="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=1><tr><td>



<input type="file" size="40" NAME="BrowseFile"></td></tr>

<tr><td align=right><INPUT NAME="OpenButton" TYPE="Button" VALUE="Open"></td></tr>

<tr><td><INPUT NAME="PerspectiveButton" TYPE="Button" Value ="Perspective">

<INPUT NAME="LargerButton" TYPE="Button" VALUE="Larger">

<INPUT NAME="SmallerButton" TYPE="Button" VALUE="Smaller"> <INPUT name="cbInteractive" value ="Interactive" type="CheckBox">Interactive</td></tr>

<tr><td><INPUT NAME="ShadedButton" TYPE="Radio"> Shaded View

<INPUT NAME="HiddenButton" TYPE="Radio"> Hidden Line

<INPUT NAME="WireframeButton" TYPE="Radio"> Wireframe</td></tr></table></blockquote>


<object classid="CLSID:A6336AB8-D3E1-489A-8186-EE40F2E027FE" id=ViewerControl1 width=400 height=300>

<param name="_Version" value=65536> <param name="_ExtentX" value=13229>

<param name="_ExtentY" value=7938> <param name="_StockProps" value=0>



Sub PerspectiveButton_OnClick()

  Dim TheForm

  Set TheForm = Document.Forms("TestForm")

  If ViewerControl1.Perspective Then

    TheForm.PerspectiveButton.Value = "Orthographic"

    ViewerControl1.Perspective = False


    TheForm.PerspectiveButton.Value = "Perspective"

    ViewerControl1.Perspective = True

  End If

End Sub

Sub LargerButton_OnClick()

   ViewerControl1.Width = ViewerControl1.Width * 1.1

   ViewerControl1.Height = ViewerControl1.Height * 1.1

End Sub

Sub SmallerButton_OnClick()

   ViewerControl1.Width = ViewerControl1.Width * 0.9

   ViewerControl1.Height = ViewerControl1.Height * 0.9

End Sub

Sub OpenButton_OnClick()

   Dim TheForm

   Set TheForm = Document.Forms("TestForm")

   ViewerControl1.Filename = TheForm.BrowseFile.Value

   TheForm.ShadedButton.checked = true

   TheForm.cbInteractive.checked = true

End Sub

Sub ShadedButton_OnClick()

   Dim TheForm

   Set TheForm = Document.Forms("TestForm")

   TheForm.HiddenButton.checked = False

   TheForm.WireframeButton.checked = False

   ViewerControl1.DisplayMode = 8708

End Sub

Sub HiddenButton_OnClick()

   Dim TheForm

   Set TheForm = Document.Forms("TestForm")

   TheForm.ShadedButton.checked = False

   TheForm.WireframeButton.checked = False

   ViewerControl1.DisplayMode = 8707

End Sub

Sub WireframeButton_OnClick()

   Dim TheForm

   Set TheForm = Document.Forms("TestForm")

   TheForm.ShadedButton.checked = False

   TheForm.HiddenButton.checked = False

   ViewerControl1.DisplayMode = 8706

End Sub

Sub cbInteractive_OnClick()

   Dim TheForm

   Set TheForm = Document.Forms("TestForm")

   if TheForm.cbInteractive.checked = False then

     ViewerControl1.Interactive = false


     ViewerControl1.Interactive = true

   end if

End Sub